What are Images?
Raster Images
Raster images are made of pixels. Pixels are the smallest objects that you can see on a screen. To create an image, pixels are stored in what is called a bitmap. Larger bitmap = larger image. i.e. 200 x 300 pixels. They blur when you zoom in too much because they only fit a particular resolution.
Vector Images
Vector images are made of mathematical commands that place lines and shapes. This allows them to take less space, since image data is stored in mathematical commands rather than bits. They wont be blurred when enlarged, because the commands adapt accordingly.
You can convert vector images to raster images, and visa versa.
Here is a comparism between vector and raster images(from vector-conversions.com):
![comparism between raster and vector images](..\media\2d\vector_vs_raster.jpg)
Image Editting Software
- Brightness, single scan
- Color, single scan
- Edge, single scan
- Color, multi-scan
- GIMP: 10mins tutorial
- INKSCAPE: 10 mins tutorial
In short, a free version of photoshop.
![GIMP UI](..\media\2d\GIMP_UI.png)
We use these functions here to edit the image accordingly.
here is an example product of editting images in gimp
![art](..\media\2d\a prayer for chance.png)
a free drawing software that can trace images, draw and utilize numerous image files.
Here are some of inkscape's tracing functions, which i find very rare:
![Brightness, single scan](..\media\2d\BrightS.png)
![Color, single scan](..\media\2d\ColorS.png)
![Edge, single scan](..\media\2d\EdgeS.png)
![Color, multi-scan](..\media\2d\ColorM.png)